Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dear Diary

I may be just 14 months but I have so much to say. I think I am the boss but can't convince Mommy, Daddy, sister and brother of that. I mean come on, why can't I rummage through the pantry and pull out all the food, then open the crackers and spread them on the floor. After all in my mind this is SUPER fun. I love the sound of the crunch under my feet. For some reason, Mommy does NOT like that. She put me in the other room and horror of horrors put up the toddler gate. That made me so mad! I stood at the gate while mommy used the broom, which by the way she will not let me play with either. I let her know my outrage.

I like to rock in the rocking chair and say "rock bye rock bye". For some reason my mommy thinks I am cute. I just like to rock, but then again cuteness works really, really well when mommy says I have been naughty.

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